Power Speech for Mary Kay Cosmetics in Erfurt in front of 3500 women
Aisha’s World for Women
Jury at the German Makeup Championship in Munich
Bridal Makeup Award at Dubai July 2021
Bridal Makeup Award at Dubai July 2021
Dubai 2024
Inspire24 Hamburg
Woman Leaders of the World Dubai 2024
Night Award Leipzig 2024
Make yourself visible!
Today, it is possible to stylize almost anyone to stardom, be it a doctor, lawyer or bystander. A pretty face, an expensive designer dress, and a good figure are not enough. A healthy dose of self-confidence, sense of style, friendliness and the awareness that your own body and posture are being observed, registered, positively evaluated and that they play a major role.
Most of the international top stars are being prepared by stylists, makeup artists, jewellers, fashion designers and consultants, with the aim of portraying a perfect image for the public, or serving as a role model. That is often exhausting. But in principle, they are just people like you and I, with all the quirks, worries and individual character traits. I am sure that you would not even register some of the “unstyled” ones.
The runway on which the models present the fashion is called catwalk.
For 5 years I worked as a mannequin and after having a fashion company I opened a catwalk school.
My workshop: The perfect walk. Your perfect body posture and your walk is your capital!
Seitdem du und THEOne in mein Leben getreten seid, passieren magische Dinge. Ich fühle mich sicherer, selbstbewusster und ziehe Menschen und vor allem Kunden an, die ich mir schon so lange gewünscht habe.
Vielen lieben Dank, meine Liebe!
Ich bin froh das ich an deinem Visagistenkurs teilnehmen durfte. Es war so lehrreich. Du bist eine Frau die voller Energie und Power ist. Deine positive Energie strahlt du aus und überträgt diese auf deine Mitmenschen.
Mach weiter so!!!!